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Procedural Posture

Plaintiff contract assignor appealed a judgment from the trial court (California), which sustained defendant steamboat's demurrer and rendered a judgment in defendant's favor in a breach of contract action.

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The assignee purchased a contract, which allowed it to prevent defendant from operating a steamboat in certain navigable waterways in the state. Defendant breached the contract, and the assignee pursued a breach of contract action. The trial court sustained defendant's demurrer and rendered a judgment in its favor. On appeal, the court reversed and remanded, holding that the assignee was a corporation under the laws of the state and had the right to sue; the contract was an instrument in writing for the payment of money and was made assignable by state laws; the contract was not against public policy as it was not a restraint of trade; and, the contract itself alleged the measure of damages if defendant failed to perform the contract.


The court reversed and remanded the trial court's judgment, which sustained defendant's demurrer and rendered a judgment in defendant's favor in the breach of contract action.

