Toenail fungus or Onychomycosis is a toe infection that is kind of painful and unpleasant to stare at. Its symptoms include brittle, discoloration, and thickening in the toes. This infection is sometimes considered by some persons as a common infection and they don’t pay much attention to it, but it should as it could spread to other parts of the skin and even the fingernails.
Some persons suffering from this infection sometimes would want to visit a doctor or pharmacist because of fear and anxiety. But the toenail fungus can be cured with some home remedies which have proven to be very effective. Let’s take a look at why you should use home treatments.
Why treat toenail fungus at home?
1. It is far less expensive
2. You would feel more comfortable when you treat it at home
3. You wouldn’t need to use your car or pay for a cab to a pharmaceutical store
4. Home treatment has been tested and proven to be very effective.
With the above, we can see why home treatment should for your toenail fungus is very effective and should be implored immediately. The best home treatments for toenail fungus include;
1. Olive leaf extract
Olive leaf can be found in our garden and it has an extract which we call Oleuropein. This extract is so effective and has an antifungal property which gives it the ability to kill the fungus found in your toes.
A very good advantage of this home remedy is that it can be taken in a capsule form or applied directly to the toe. The capsule form is more effective and should be taken with your meals twice a day to see instant results.
2. Listerine
Of course, this brand of mouth wash is a very special home remedy for toenail fungus. Some would advise mixing with vinegar, but it is too harsh to be used that way. Listerine has this ability to treat the toenail fungus because it has an antifungal ability.
It can be applied directly to the infected toe or better still, you can pour a little quantity of it into a bowl of water and then dip your foot, leaving for 10-20 minutes. In no time, it would remove every discoloration and make your toe come back to its right and original form.
3. Garlic
As most of us do know, garlic is a harsh substance and has antifungal properties to be able to treat toenail fungus. It is a good home remedy as it can be found in the kitchen because it is used for cooking some kind of food.
If you were to observe the growth of toenail fungus, you could just grab a clove of garlic and chop into few pieces and then apply in your infected toe, leaving it for as long as you can. It could be harsh for some, so you can also take the capsule form, both are ok to treat this infection. It is important we all know ways to treat toenail fungus at home, so we won’t fail a victim to more fatal infections.
4. Baking soda
This is a good home substance that is commonly found in the home because it can be used for different things like cooking and removing stains from clothes. When you’re suffering from this infection, you could apply it on your toenail in a moist form.
Or when going out, you can put a little quantity when scattered in your shoes and socks and leave it there until you’re back from. This home remedy certainly works like magic.
5. Vinegar
This is another good home remedy that is recommended by specialists. Toenail fungus is treated with substances that have high acidity and antifungal properties and vinegar have the above qualities.
It should be put in a bowl of water and then you dip your foot into it, you would immediately start seeing your toenails going back to normal.
Toenail fungus is bad and with you having the above home remedies at your possession, you should count yourself lucky.