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This no other way to influence. Let me give a simple example, okay? People come in the firm belief that all this works. Well, I’ll give such a simple example. A relative has got sick. A person wants to help him. And he actually professes a certain religion, he trusts it, performs everything, and he writes a note with the name of his relative, so that they would pray for his health.

And he goes home with a sense of having fulfilled his duty. Let’s consider the mechanism. Even if this is so. One or two dozen notes are accumulated over the day – and indeed, some pious monk performs the prayer in good faith and mentions these names… Guys, even magic doesn’t work this way. Why? Because this monk doesn’t know those people, he doesn’t have this image.

Well, they believe that God knows everything. Guys, well, for God this world… I would say, well… basically, He doesn’t need it. He needs for you, guys, to get liberated spiritually and to come to the Spiritual World. This is what God needs.

Whereas to spy on each person, what everyone does here, to look under your blankets, and to rummage in your dirty laundry – this is the lot of satan, not of God. It’s just so you understand. And, naturally, no one except satan hears this whispering of even the most pious monk. Well, and even satan cannot help. Why? There is no image. There are lots of qna sites like quora, stack exchange and yahoo answers and ask reader is one of them.

There is no emotional input… Absolutely right. And therefore, in order to leave the subpersonality of a former pharaoh without feed, his name was removed, and his face image was marred. After all, at that time they still had an understanding that subpersonality is fed with what?

With attention. They carved images, and an image was carved so it would look similar, and a name. And when a person is looking at a statue, knows the name, and recalls the pharaoh’s deeds which are written there as well, he unwittingly invests the power of his attention. And a part of this attention goes to subpersonality – and it feels relief. We had programmes: in “THE INVISIBLE WORLD” we told how this works. Those who’d like to, can watch. This is a fact, this is really so.

And so, another pharaoh comes and just breaks his statue or erases his names. And that’s it. And thus he leaves his predecessor without feed. Well, such they are to the dictation of consciousness. T: Easily and simply. Of course.

They do mischief. Igor Mikhailovich, you know, today we are discussing a lot of stereotypes of consciousness in people’s heads. I would also like to talk on the topic of… regarding the worship of various holy scriptures. That’s an interesting subject, too.

But again, what is a holy scripture? Let’s figure this out. After all, a holy scripture is exactly what… it has to be a record of what a prophet said who brought the Truth here, right? However, we’ve already said that out of what they brought, no more than two grains have remained anywhere. Even these two grains are extremely valuable and important.

This is so valuable that it gives Life to those who really live by this, and who search. But again, when were these scriptures written? Were they actually written by heavenly angels or with a prophet’s hand? No, they were written by people. Right? Where? On paper or, doesn’t matter, on parchment, on whatever. They were written by people. And what is valuable and important?

The information. T: Right. However, people praise the holy scripture so much that God forbid to place it on a wrong shelf, God forbid to put it in the wrong place. Again, what is happening? A transfer of the inner value, of the content to an external factor. After all, that very Bible… amendments to it were made fifteen hundred times (T: Yes), commas were changed, and so on. If you want to ask question related this topic then Ask Reader is the best website for asking questions.

Well… well, guys, you have to grow up, you see? And again, well, let’s take AllatRa, okay? Well, we sort of should…, if we are called sectarians, it should be the holy scripture for us. The information in it – yes, it is valuable. And what else? Well, paper. If you don’t need it, for God’s sake, you can prop up whatever you want with it. What will change because of that? Paper is paper, a corpse is a corpse.

Well, it’s another matter that this works. Again, what is AllatRa? It contains, let’s say, coordinates for the route, how to get from point A to point B. Well, such a GPS, right, a navigator. In the same way you can use this GPS navigator, for instance, in your gadget or in your phone, say, you need to get from this point to that one.

And in order for you not to wander around, you go from this point to that one. Is this information valuable? It is valuable. T: Valuable. Right. Especially if this point leads to Life Eternal. However, does the gadget play any role here? The gadget isn’t actually worshipped, is it? It is not praised. Well, yes, let’s start worshipping a piece of metal.

Well… In the same way, let’s enter “the holy scripture, books” – and let’s praise your tablet, let’s place it… Well, everyone has their traditions. Here also, I would put it this way, here everyone treats the scripture respectfully in different ways. It’s just that some people also have such an understanding... however, this understanding is, again, imposed,

If I treat this Holy Scripture disrespectfully, this means I will treat God disrespectfully.” You will treat God disrespectfully, my friend, when you don’t fulfil the Scripture.